A decade ago, Priyanka Khaitan, the founder and Creative Director of Priyanka Khaitan Fine Jewellery wanted to weave life into her magical world of design by creating one-of-a-kind pieces. Nature has been her greatest inspiration to create one of a kind of fine jewels. She aims to pass on a piece of valued creativity and Art to her clients as Art always stirs an emotion. An emotion, which is contagious and as she firmly believes Art is a way to touch a soul.
Her poetic jewels are a result of deep explorations of art forms, moods, traditions and creativity. The skilled artisans at her workshop in Kolkata meticulously work on each piece over months gently rendering a life and soul and creating elegant jewels of desire.
Currently, Priyanka lives in Gurgaon, India and loves delighting her clients with her works in India and Globally as well.